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About Carrie

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Meet Carrie...

Nutrition became my passion back in 2014. Like most people in my industry my passion grew out of personal experience. When I became ill, I went to my doctor like most of us do, and when he didn't have any answers he sent me to several specialists. No one could help. No one could connect the dots. I had a whole team of people trying to help but none of them collaborated. Imagine a sports team with a head coach (my GP) and numerous assistant coaches (specialists), all coaching the same team but never speaking to each other. What a mess! I ended up with no answers and a whole lot of frustration. So I decided if they couldn't help me then I had to help myself! Surely others had gone through the same thing and had found answers… I began researching and what I found opened my eyes for life.


"You are what you eat" really is a thing, not just some catchphrase. I changed what I ate completely. I realized that the foods I craved the most were actually the ones causing the most damage. Awesome, not so awesome - sigh. I decided to cut them all out because I'm stubborn like that.  I won't lie, it sucked. All my favorite foods had to go... at first. But as time went on and I learned how to properly prepare delicious foods and those old favorites were replaced with new favorites. It got easier, and I felt better. I knew I could never go back, so I made it my lifestyle. 


I couldn't believe the profound effect nutrition had on my health. I started to read every book I could find on the subject. Soon I realized that this was something I really enjoyed learning about! Shortly thereafter, I enrolled myself in the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition Diploma program. I loved it! These were my people, and this was my jam! I have never looked back. In fact, I have continued my studies to include Live Blood Microscopy, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Expert, and Hormone Analysis Connoisseur and I am currently studying Practical Herbology through Wild Rose College. If I could make a living on reading health books I'd be rich, but alas that is not reality. So instead I utilize all the I have learned and apply it to my clients. Many have had amazing results! 


It really has been an amazing journey to wellness - full of learning and self-discovery. Never again will I rely solely on my health team to get to wellness, instead, I am now the head coach and my health team are my assistants. Participating in your own wellness is liberating and I can't wait to assist you to wellness!

Carrie Leskun R.H.N.

Your health is my passion!

Education & Continuing Studies

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Edison Institute of Nutrition

Certificate Awarded March 2019

Canadian School of Natural Nutrition

Certificate Awarded June 2016

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Kendra Perry

HTMA Expert Course

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Wild Rose College of Natural Healing

Continuing studies - student

Applied Nutritional Microscopy

Certificate Awarded April 2020

Registered Holistic Nutritionist

Practical Herbalist Diploma

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