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Hair Mineral Analysis

Mineral balancing and what it means for your health...


Ok, I'm going to dork out here for a minute so bear with me.


Your body requires numerous essential micro and macro minerals to maintain homeostasis. They are essentially the 'spark plugs' of your body. Their availability and usability have a great impact on how well your body is going to function. What your body does not require are heavy metals. Unfortunately, since the Industrial Revolution, many heavy metals have been introduced into our environment. These minerals have no known physiological or biological function in the human body and are known to be very harmful. There is a great balancing act that has to happen to ensure the good minerals remain abundant and the bad minerals are detoxed appropriately. The first step is finding out what your personal levels are. A window into your cells' mineral content could be crucial to understanding your imbalance. Not enough of the good ones or too many of the bad ones can cause some serious misfiring in the engine you call your body.

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