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Womens Hormones

Womens hormone analysis information

What hormones will I be testing?


  • Estrogen - this is the hormone that makes you female, endowing you with breasts hips, menstrual periods, soft skin, and a higher pitched voice. 

  • Progesterone - this hormone helps the body regulate its menstrual cycles; it's essential for creating and maintaining a pregnancy, it balances the effects of estrogen, and most of your hormones are made from it. 

  • Testosterone - is the "male" hormone, but women also make it in small amounts. In women, testosterone primarily contributes to sex drive and helps to build bone. 

  • DHEA - is a precursor to testestorone and the estrogens. DHEA is made primarily in the adrenal glands and is essential for protein building and repair. DHEA levels decline dramatically as we age, making it a primary biomarker of aging. 

  • Cortisol - is needed for nearly all dynamic processes in the body,  from blood pressure regulation and kidney function, to glucose levels and fat building, muscle building, protein synthesis, thyroid function, and immune function. 


Reasons for women to test their hormones:


  • Teenage women who suffer from PMS

  • Women who want to balance their hormones

  • Women who suffer with severe menstrual related symptoms

  • Women having difficulty transitioning through menopause

  • Women who are at risk or have osteoporosis

  • Women who are having difficulty getting pregnant

  • Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

  • Women with fibroids

  • Women with gallbladder issues can sometimes be linked to hormone imbalance

  • Women with thyroid imbalance

  • Women with estrogen dominant symptoms

Common symptoms and hormone imbalance causes:


  • Aches and Pains > Low cortisol, Estrogen dominance, Low testosterone

  • Acne, Oily Skin > High testosterone​, Cessation of birth control pills

  • Allergies > Estrogen dominance​, Low cortisol, Deficiency of vitamin C and bioflavonoids

  • Anxiety > Estrogen dominance, Too much caffeine, Diet pills, Deficiency of B vitamins, Chronic stress, Too much TV

  • Breast Tenderness > Estrogen dominance, Too much caffeine, Supplementing with estrogen, testosterone, DHEA, or pregnenolone can create excess estrogen and cause breast tenderness. 

  • Cold Hands and Feet > Estrogen dominance interfering with thyroid function, Low thyroid, Poor circulation causes by excess sugar in the diet, Insulin resistance

  • Decreased Sex Drive > Low testosterone, Estrogen dominance, Stress

  • Depression > Both high and low estrogen can contribute to depression, Low progesterone

  • Dry Eyes > Estrogen dominance, Low testosterone

  • Dry, Brittle Hair > Estrogen dominance creating low thyroid function, Low progesterone

  • Endometriosis > Probably caused by exposure to xenoestrogens (foreign estrogens to the body usually found in pesticides and plastics)

  • Fat Gain > Excess fat around the hips, buttocks, and thighs is a hallmark symptom of estrogen dominance. Excess fat around the middle usually is a sign of insulin resistance. A tummy "pooch" can be caused by excess cortisol (stress), and/or estrogen deficiency, and/or constipation

  • Fatigue > Low cortisol, Estrogen dominance, Stress, Lack of sleep, Chronic infection, Poor diet

  • Fibrocystic (lumpy) breasts > Estrogen dominance, Supplementing with estrogen, testosterone, DHEA, or pregnenolone can create excess estrogen and cause lumps

  • Foggy Thinking > Low estrogen, Low testosterone, Estrogen dominance, Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

  • Gallbladder Pain > Excess estrogen, Estrogen dominance, Too much fat in the diet

  • Hair Loss > Excess testosterone, Excess estrogen, Estrogen dominance, Thyroid deficiency

  • Headaches > Estrogen dominance

  • Heart Palpitations > Low cortisol, Low testosterone, Low blood pressure, Food allergy, Stress

  • Hot Flashes >  Low estrogen, Low progesterone, Fluctuating hormones caused by the menopausal transition. 

  • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) > Estrogen dominance, Low cortisol

  • Incontinence > Overall low hormones, Obesity

  • Insomnia > Estrogen dominance, Excess estrogen, Too much caffeine, Too much light in the room, Excess cortisol

  • Irritability > Low estrogen, Estrogen dominance, High testosterone, Excess cortisol

  • Migraines > Estrogen dominance

  • Muscle Weakness > Low cortisol, Low Progesterone, Low testosterone

  • Night Sweats > Low estrogen, Estrogen dominance, Low progesterone, Fluctuating estrogens caused by menopausal transition

  • Osteoporosis > Low progesterone (builds bone), Low testosterone (builds bone), Low estrogen (slows bone loss), Excess cortisol

  • Ovarian Cysts > Too much sugar and refined carbs which raise insulin levels and stimulate the ovaries to produce more androgens causing ovarian cysts. 

  • Over-sensitivity > Excess estrogen

  • Painful Intercourse > Low estrogen, Low testosterone

  • PMS > Estrogen dominance

  • Sleepiness > Excess progesterone, Lack of sleep

  • Sluggish digestion > Excess progesterone, Thyroid deficiency

  • Talk Excessively > Excess estrogen, Excess cortisol

  • Thinning Skin > Very high or low cortisol, Low testosterone, Low estrogen

  • Urinary Tract Irritation and/or Infection > Low estrogen, Bacterial infection, Loss of "good" bacteria caused by antibiotic use

  • Uterine Fibroid > Unknown cause but made worse by estrogen dominance

  • Vaginal Dryness > Low estrogen, Low testosterone

  • Water Retention, Bloating, Puffiness > Estrogen dominance, Excess estrogen

  • Weepiness > Estrogen dominance, Too much sugar and refined foods, Lack of exercise, Low thyroid


~ Dr. John Lee


Commonly asked questions:


Is this the same test I can get my Doctor to order?


No. Your GP would order a blood panel to measure your hormones. The difference between saliva and blood testing is that a saliva test will measure the "free" or "unbound" hormone levels while the blood serum measures the "protein bound" hormone levels. Free hormone levels are bio-available, which means they can be delivered to the receptors in the tissues of the body - where they are needed. Protein bound means that these hormones have been bound to circulating proteins and therefore can not fit into the receptors in the body and will not be delivered to the tissues of the body. Basically blood serum will measure all of the hormones available, regardless if they are useful or not, while saliva testing only captures the levels of useful hormones that your body will actually use to stay in balance. 


How do I get my test results?


The test results will be sent to Regenesis Wellness first and I will forward a copy to you through your client portal on Practice Better. We will then set up a meeting to discuss the results together so you have a full understanding of what your results mean and what to do moving forward. This is included in the cost of your test kit. 


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